Displaying 1 - 17 of 17

Abigail Davis

(801) 362-9349

290 S 400 W
apt 221
logan, Utah 84321
United States
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(541) 647-0406


Payton Davis

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Currently, both my husband and I are working our way through school. Because of this, we do not have time to work full time. Additionally, we have a large number of student loans that we are working to pay off.

Currently, my husband is at basic training while I am attending school. This has been the beginning of our journey in the military but it has already impacted our lives greatly. Although having him at basic is difficult, it is something my husband has always wanted to do and something we know will always be a blessing in our lives.


I am currently attending school at Utah State University to become an Art Educator. I am in the process of applying for my BFA and after that will apply to get into the education portion of my program. Once I graduate I intend on becoming a high school Art teacher. I plan on constantly working to continue my education and attending conventions to become the best teacher I can be.

Currently, I am a manager in my food services job and have slowly worked my way up the company. Additionally, I have always played sports and have enjoyed many great leadership opportunities throughout the years.

Current Transcripts

Hannah Teel

(801) 644-6051

5805 S 6950 W
HOOPER, UT 84315
United States
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(801) 891-4628


Brian Teel

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Graduating a degree without student loans.

I know the benefits and the hardships of having my father being in the Air National Guard. My mother often stood in as a single mother, and was a great role model for strong independant women.


A goal of mine since I was a child was to be a pilot.

I've held no leadership activities. However, In my spare time, I like to learn about astronomy, aviation, as well as whatever else interests me at the time. When I can I participate in church volunteer activities such as delivering packages to those in need. My favorite volunteer work is the few times a year me and my dad deliver necessities to the Navajo and Hopi nation.

Proof of Enrollement/Acceptance

Brinley Cowley

(435) 363-6637

170 S 6000 W
Mendon, UT 84325
United States
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(435) 881-7674


William Cowley

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I know that becoming a Dentist requires lots of time, which costs a great amount of money. I will be putting myself through college and will be moving out into a dorm room where I will have to be very independent. Though I will be working while going to college, a scholarship would be extremely helpful in relieving some of the stress of school so I will be able to spend more time focused on my studies. A scholarship could ultimately jumpstart my education at the college level and set me on the right path to pursue my goals.

Being immersed in the military lifestyle through my father has taught me some very important lessons. I have learned that in order to be successful, you have to put in the time and effort. Also, I have realized that bettering yourself not only helps you but others around you as well. It's easy to see how much of an impact the members of my fathers unit have on one another. This has played a role in my life because I want to be someone who is known to be a hard worker and someone who lifts others up instead of dragging them down, holding them back, and eventually making them stationary. I have also learned a lot from my father and my father's units' work ethic. They all know that slacking off doesn't create progress and I think about that in my everyday life. When times get tough and I feel overloaded with school and work, I think about all of the soldiers who are actively fighting for the freedoms that allow me to have the opportunities to reach my goals. I know that quitting isn't an option, and coming up with excuses will prohibit my progress. I am immensely grateful for all the life lessons the military has taught me and the pride it has given me for my country. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

My overall career goal is to become a Dentist who greatly participates in humanitarian work. Knowing that this will take a lot of time and money, I have a plan to finish my high school career with 21 college credits to get a jumpstart on my overall goal. Along with my goal of finishing all of my concurrent enrollment classes, I plan to finish my associate’s degree within the first semester of college. I think maintaining a high GPA is very important because it shows how willing and determined I am to put in the effort to reach my goals and push through difficult tasks. I plan on continuing to strive for excellence all through college. I am excited to challenge myself with harder medical and chemistry classes and meet my goal of being in the dental field.

One of the major leadership roles I have taken on this year was the opportunity to be one of the captains for my high school girls wrestling team. Though this year is only my second year wrestling, I was very excited to be able to take on the role of being a captain. I quickly noticed that being in a position like this, there is no time for slacking. The dynamic that the captains bring into the wrestling room shapes the attitudes of our teammates during practice. I've had to step up and be an example instead of providing excuses for any lack of progress. Though there have been many struggles throughout the season, I have loved every second of having the opportunity to wrestle and in turn, being a captain to my amazing team of 54 strong and powerful girls. During previous summers I have also had the opportunity to volunteer my time to help teach Elementary age children how to read in English and learn literacy skills. This is where my love for Humanitarian work has come from. I would like to give to those who are less fortunate than I am and try to make their lives better.

Current Transcripts

Payton Pectol

(435) 704-7967

ENOCH, UT 84721
United States
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(435) 704-7967


Payton Pectol

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Education is never cheap, and although I have been financial savvy enough to set aside savings it can still be difficult to pay for college. This scholarship would help me offset those expenses and be able to focus more on getting the most out of my classes without being distracted by worrying about the financial aspect of it.

I have learned a lot of discipline from my extensive military training, and have developed a lot of self confidence that I didn't have prior. I'm a linguist, so the intense language school training that I attended to qualify for my AFSC has cemented some good study habits within me. I am better at learning now than I was before, and better at managing my time.


Education has always been valuable to me, and something that was strongly encouraged by my parents. Before I enlisted, I graduated high school with my Associate of Science degree and attended a couple years of college while switching my major a few times. Now that my military training is done, I’m working on finally finishing my bachelor’s degree. It’s always been a goal of mine to graduate from college so I’m very excited to be this close to completing my degree.
My major is in General Studies, which was the major that would be able to combine my various scattered credits in a way that would allow me to graduate quickly. I love learning and may return to school again in the future for a master's degree.

Throughout my youth I served in various leadership positions within my church. Most of these positions were peer leadership, where I helped plan activities and reach out to other youth who weren't as involved or maybe struggling in some ways.
I also lived in the Philippines for a year and a half as a missionary for my church, and while there served for more than six months in a leadership position that had me coordinating aspects of group activities, playing an active role in conflict management, and working one-on-one with other missionaries to help them be more successful in their own respective roles.
Growing up, I rode and showed horses. Most of my time doing this was through a local club, which included participating in Utah's Summer Games. In high school I participated in the local 4-H club and participated in their shows and rodeos. This was a very formative part of growing up for me, and taught me so many life lessons. The ones that stand out in particular are the love and respect I learned to have for animals, as well as the confidence that the competitions gave me. It is extremely hard work to prepare for those competitions and to be able to succeed, but was so fulfilling. Learning to work towards my goals when I was so young has stuck with me through my life, and helps me push through challenges to achieve my goals today.

Current Transcripts

Kimberly Pineda

(417) 459-7216

92 N Foxmoor Way
Saratoga Springs, UT 84045
United States
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(417) 459-7216


Kimberly Pineda (self)

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I have been using State Tuition Assistance to pay for school, up until January when the budget ran dry for out. My education is extremely important to me, and I only have a year and a half left to go. I am paying out of pocket for my classes right now, rather than waiting for when the budget resets in July. My husband is also a full-time student and is currently in the United States on a student visa as he is from Costa Rica. All international students in the US are required to work no more than 20 hours a week and only on-campus jobs while in school. Campus jobs pay very little, and when he’s legally only allowed to work 20 hours that means we rely heavily on my income from the guard. We are extremely careful where our money goes and I am proud to say that between the two of us we have zero debt of any kind. A scholarship for my education would honestly mean the world to me and relieve such a large financial burden. I want to graduate!

My dad was active-duty military and retired as a Major. I grew up with an ingrained sense of respect for servicemen and women. My oldest brother Russell also joined the army. I watched him deploy three times, each time for almost a year, leaving his wife and five kids at home. I began the process of enlisting in April 2020 and Russ was one of the first people I talked to about my decision. He listened to me and offered me a lot of great advice. July 2020 Russell very unexpectedly passed away from an unknown heart condition. I will never ever forget his unit flying from West Virginia to his funeral in Missouri. The whole back of the church was people he had served with, all in their military dress uniforms. His commander even spoke at the funeral. Then when he was buried, the taps played, and they all stood at attention for him. This touched me so deeply. The next month I finished my enlistment process. The military is more than a job to me. It’s a way to give back and it’s a way to continue a heritage that my family has.

Becoming a member of the UT Air National Guard has given me a new perspective of what my career goals are and what I can become. While working on base as a Signals Intelligence Analyst, I have become passionate about the cyber world. I decided to peruse a bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity from American Military University. I am also going to get a master’s in information technology. With my background at the guard, I will work in the cyber field and develop my abilities. I am also going to get certificates such as Security+, Networking+, Ethical Hacking, etc to broaden my skill set.

When not on orders with the guard I work as a pre-school teacher. I have a strong knowledge of and years of experience in the field which has allowed me to be a "Master Teacher" at the school I work for. I have the responsibilities of supervising, coaching, training, and leading other teachers. There are about 20 teachers at the facility and I am the only one who has met the qualifications to become a master teacher.
I served as a missionary for 18 months and had many responsibilities and leadership roles. I worked with church and local government leaders as well as tended to the needs of about 10 other missionaries.
I am an enthusiastic dancer, specifically with clogging and tap dancing. I currently dance and perform with Extreme Rhythm Cloggers in Orem. This is a skill that I began developing at about 5 years old. I have used it to choreograph high school and middle school plays as well as just to have fun.
I teach the 3 and 4-year-olds at church each Sunday. This is a rewarding and also extremely entertaining assignment. I love being with them and preparing lessons to meet their level of understanding.
I also love to paint and draw. I recently took art classes from a local art shop and used what I learned to create artwork for family members for Christmas.


Grace Hamner

(317) 514-3394

14487 S Cuchara Way
Herriman, Utah 84096
United States
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(801) 616-1893


Austin Hamner Jr.

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When Austin and I began our life together, expenses were minimal and we lived on next-to-nothing as students. As our family grew, so did the financial burden. We lived paycheck to paycheck on a shockingly low yearly income. Looking back at our taxes, I’m reminded of how we worked, studied, and scraped by. The financial stress was palpable for many years.

While Austin was away for military training, we decided to become debt-free. I was desperate for financial stability as I solo-parented for ten months. We lived exceptionally frugally on opposite sides of the country. We paid off our debt and I dreamt of a future where financial decisions were no longer reactionary. As always, life events continued to whittle our savings away; there’s no getting around surgeries, job transitions, home repairs, etc. I went back to work, and for the first time in a long time I pondered my professional goals.

I’ve always had the desire to get a master’s, though I put that dream on hold due to financial stress. I was unwilling to add tens of thousands of dollars to our already tenuous situation. The past two years, however, have proven to us that getting my master’s is the financially responsible thing to do. Even if it creates a front-heavy financial burden.

To ease the financial stress of my master’s degree, I committed to applying to every scholarship I can find. This has become my second part-time job. Financial aid will allow me the mental peace that I need to focus on my schoolwork.

When I married into the Hamner family, I had no background with the military. I had no concept of different ranks and military tactics. I had no experience with the deep camaraderie or the beautiful complexity of our Nation's history. I even avoided political discussions because I had been raised to think political passion was anger. In fact, I was cautioned against marrying into a military family because of how hard my parents imagined it would be as a military spouse.

They weren't wrong. Being a military spouse has come with many hard days and challenges, but it has been an overwhelmingly positive experience.

I am so grateful to now have a more robust understanding of what our Military does every day to preserve democracy and promote safety around the world. The Hamner family is full of public servants: police officers, lawyers, judges, and military personnel. I've heard stories of my father-in-law's service as a Green Beret. I've waited anxiously for my brother-in-law to return from his multiple deployments. I've witnessed the immediate depth of military friendships. I've become politically active, reading and learning more than I ever had before

While my husband was away for ten months, I learned so much about myself. I pulled grit and resilience from a reservoir I didn't even know I had. My community surrounded me with support. My respect, gratitude, and love for Austin grew immeasurably. And I learned to thrive, not just survive.

I will attend SLCC for one year to complete the prerequisite classes for my Master’s in Music Therapy. I will start my online master's program at Augsburg University in May 2023. As I plan out my prerequisites and master's coursework, I have had the opportunity to set goals and intentions for my coursework, professional life, and personal development.

Ten years ago, my Grandma’s memory began deteriorating. Four years ago, our elderly neighbor developed Parkinson’s. Two years ago, our 19-year-old neighbor had a stroke and had to relearn how to talk. This past week, a friend was put in a medically induced coma and given palliative care.

I’ve wondered what my life would look like if these same things were to happen to me. How would I cope with chemo or heal after a terrible car accident? What would spark remembrance if I develop dementia? In every instance I imagine music therapy as the thing that cultivates healing and brings me peace. Becoming a music therapist means that I could introduce music in those key moments for another’s healing journey. I want to be a part of that.

The leadership position I have the most experience with is as a mom (more specifically, as a homeschool mom). The skills required to parent patiently and effectively are key leadership qualities, and I would venture to say that you get more leadership experience as a parent than in any other role.

In high school I worked as a hostess at Red Robin. As a 17-year-old, after working at Red Robin for 1.5 years, I was asked to travel to a nearby location to re-train their hostess team. I spent one month that summer training individuals, some of which were twice my age. In college, I joined GLEEYU (BYU's student-lead glee club). After two years of signing and dancing together, I became the director of GLEEYU. Directing GLEEYU was a weekly responsibility (and joy) for two years. I learned to manage a team of distract-able creatives, schedule performances, compose musical numbers, and more.

Learning is an incredible passion of mine. I work to expose my mind to a wide range of topics and dive deep into a select few of them. For extra-curricular activities, it won't surprise anyone to know that I've filled my life with creative pursuits. I have taken more than a decade of dance and voice lessons, performed music and dance hundreds of times on stages all around the country, created handmade polymer clay decorations for my Etsy store, developed a green thumb and learned traditional and hydroponic gardening, expanded my mind by joining book clubs, and so much more.

BYU Undergrad Transcript, SLCC proof of enrollment pic (my name is in top right corner)

Samantha Hooper

(801) 828-0213

7558 W Warley Bay
West Jordan, Utah 84081
United States
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(385) 499-0224


Matthew Hooper

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In the upcoming fall 2022 semester, my sister and I will be attending college. We both have scholarships, but the extra money would benefit my family and me. It would also be very helpful so that I am able to save money in order to help me in the future.

The Military has influenced my life in a lot of ways. Growing up, I always loved being able to brag that my dad had the most incredible job ever, and it was always something I loved. Although I was very proud of my dad and thought his career was excellent! It did affect our lives a lot when my dad had to go on long deployments, and sometimes it made it hard on our family. It was hard when my dad had to miss holidays and birthdays.


My educational goals include finishing my Bachelor's degree in Business Marketing. I hope to finish this degree by December of 2023. After I finish my degree, I want to obtain my real estate license in hopes of becoming a real estate agent.

I was a part of the dance company in high school for all three years. In my junior year, I was the junior rep, which meant I was the voice of the juniors. In my senior year, I was the Unity Coordinator, which meant I helped with all team unity and worked with the student government to plan activities.
I currently attend Utah State University Eastern college, and I am a sophomore studying business marketing. At USUE, I am a part of the ambassador leadership team. This is my second year on the team, and I currently serve as the event coordinator. In my third year, I will serve as captain of the ambassadors, a title voted onto me by my peers. As ambassadors, we help with recruitment for the university. This means we go to high schools to find students to attend our college. We also host events at our campus for students to come to. Giving campus tours is another responsibility that falls under being an ambassador. I love being and ambassador and it has taught me so many leadership skills.

Current Transcripts

Annabelle Hooper

(385) 321-6376

7558 West Warley Bay
West Jordan, Utah 84081
United States
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(385) 499-0224


Matthew Hooper

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I'm going into college this year and my sister is going into her 3rd year of college. My parents are kind enough to pay for the both of us and this scholarship would be helpful so my parents don't have to pay the full amount for both my sister and I. Although I got a leadership scholarship, it only pays for my housing and since I have no scholarships to help with tuition, it would be a huge help for my family.

When I was younger, my dad was deployed a few times and I had to go long times without seeing him. This was really hard for me and my family, but knowing how much he enjoys serving our country always made it feel a little better. I also remember going to all the little activities that my dad's base put on and having such a fun time meeting other kids that had to go through a family member being deployed. It was always a huge help for me.

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My educational goals are already pretty set out. I already have my state CNA (certified nursing assistant) license so I plan to get my LPN (licensed practical nurse) and then get an Associate of Science, obtaining my RN (registered nurse) license. After that, I want to get my Bachelor of Science in nursing. Along with these, I will take some general education courses. After this, I will attend a new college to get my DNP (doctor of nursing practice). Once I'm finished with that, my career goal is to become a PMHNP (psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner).

I just got accepted into a leadership position called Outdoor Recreation. Basically, I'll have to work 7 office hours a week and plan fun outdoor activities for the students to participate in. I'm currently apart of a club at my high school called CH PALS. Our main goal is to advocate for the disabled students of Copper Hills (my high school). We also like to take the "pals" to school activities like sports games, plays, and school dances. I was actually able to take one of the pals to Sadie Hawkins and we both had a blast. I also work as a CNA and MedTech at Sunridge Assisted Living.

Current Transcripts

Cinton Okamoto

(714) 204-5521

264 E Echo Ledge Drive
United States
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(714) 204-5521



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My financial need stems from the combination of needing to work full time to support my wife and three daughters, while going to school full time and also dealing with constantly rising costs of daily living. School attendance requires about 30 hours per week in study time, practicum, class time, readings, and other assignments. That is added onto a 40 hour per week full time job, plus monthly drill weekends, and there is very little time left to have any time with my children and family. Next year, I will be required to spend an additional 5 hours per week doing practicum hours which will require me to cut down my hours at my full time job. This will affect my income in the amount of about $500 per month. On top of all that, the costs for school continue to go up and even with some assistance for military, it will still require me to go into debt. For graduate students, the federal tuition assistance program and state tuition assistance program covers about $2500 per semester of tuition. There remains another $5000-7000 per year in excess tuition, fees, and other costs of attendance that are not covered. Scholarships allow me to cover some of that cost and not go into further debt than is needed.

The first thing that the military taught me is that I am capable of more than I think. One of the phrases that my Senior Drill Sergeant at basic training used to say was: "Your mind will quit before your body does." This was proven true time and time again as I was able to push myself beyond what I thought possible every day. That had a significant impact on my overall outlook on life by giving me more confidence and optimism whenever I am faced with something difficult. I look at challenges now and assume that I can overcome them rather than face them with fear and hesitation like I used to.
Another thing that the military has taught me is that there are things worth fighting for and worth dying for. I have always had an appreciation for soldiers who serve and give their lives for our country, but it wasn't until I joined the military that I really started to consider my position on the values that we protect and defend in America. Values like freedom, liberty, and self-determination are worth protecting and important enough to give everything, even life, to defend.


I am pursuing a masters of social work degree at the University of Utah. My passion is helping people navigate the mental and emotional challenges that we all face. I have a special desire to help soldiers and their families who sacrifice so much for our country and communities. As a current soldier, I understand what is asked and required for readiness to defend our country and I want to help other soldiers keep themselves prepared for service. My goal is to commission as a behavior health officer once I finish my degree and continue to serve in the medical detachment to ensure the readiness of our National Guard soldiers here in Utah.

I have been blessed to have many experiences of leading others in my life. I am currently the manager of the marketing department at my full time job and have learned the value of working on a team and listening to those you lead. I serve on a community business committee that helps small businesses in the area develop and grow. I also serve on a committee with the Utah Valley Homes Builders Association and work with the director of membership. I don't have much excess time for extra-curricular activities but one of my priorities is volunteering with my church and serving in different capacities there. Currently, I teach 7-8 year old children on Sundays and get to know them and their families.

Current Transcripts

Chelsey Horne

(307) 699-3196

4068 Van Buren Ave
Ogden, UT 84403
United States
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(801) 391-2025


Collin Horne

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Overall: 3.68

Due to being ineligible for funding through the FAFSA program based on being in a graduate program, I am left to pay for this program alone. I am a mother of two and the main financial support of my home. I spent close to eight years as a single mother paying for school through academic achievement scholarships. Finding funding for graduate school is extremely difficult, even with an institutional GPA of 4.0. Without funding such as this, I will have to withdraw from the program completely.

The military has provided resources for my family that I will never be able to repay. It has allowed us to provide a stable life for our children including health insurance, housing allowances, and generous Christmas present donations. It has put my husband through school and allowed him to reach his fullest potential. The opportunities it has provided for our family are far beyond what we could have asked for. Not to mention, it keeps us safe every day.

I plan to complete the Masters of Science in Nursing- Educator program and teach nursing at the local University. I look forward to sharing my passion for learning with others and inspiring others to achieve greatness. I am currently in the process of changing employment to the Emergency Department as a full-time Registered Nurse. When finished with my Master's degree, I plan to apply for the Doctorate of Nursing Practice program and specialize in Acute Care. Eventually, I want to complete the PhD program for nursing and participate in research related to the CAS-9 (CRISPR) enzyme and the rejuvenation of functionality in long and short-term spinal cord injury patients.

I am a full-time Charge Nurse of a thirty-six-bed respiratory rehabilitation unit and specialty hospital. I am responsible for the coordination and direct care of long and short-term ventilated patients. At this facility, there are no Doctors on-site leaving it up to me to use my acute assessment skills and nursing knowledge to make quick life-saving decisions. I coordinate with families, physicians, patients, and other interdisciplinary teams, the care and medical decision making to accomplish positive patient outcomes.

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Monica Parke

(801) 941-2198

6465 Combe Rd
Uintah, Utah 84403
United States
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(801) 668-3035


Brett Parke

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A scholarship will help me to be able to afford going back to school and being able to continue my education to better my career.

It has given me a shared common struggle with other spouses and community bonds. It has given me the opportunity to serve military personnel.


I want to go back to school to get my Masters Degree in Educational Leadership. This endeavor will help me further my career in education and give me the option to eventually go into administration and become a principle.

I had the pleasure of being the FRG treasure and president for several years. It gave me several opportunities to serve the military members and their families. I have also had the pleasure of being a coach for many years.

Current Transcripts

Molly Reisenauer

(701) 290-8985

1119 university Village
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
United States
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(701) 213-0641


Nicholas Gladue

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Going to dental school is one of the most expensive endeavors you can go on when it comes to furthering your education. Though dentists have historically been known to do well financially, the unfortunate and unspoken truth is that some of today’s graduates will never pay off their debt. Though I am very fortunate and grateful in being able to get in-state tuition due to my veteran status, I will still spend many years paying back what is currently estimated to be upwards of $200,000. I live frugally and I work hard. There have been some semesters where money was extremely tight due to trying to keep loans as low as possible. And any help in decreasing the amount of debt I am taking on would be appreciated more than you know!

I was raised in a small town in North Dakota, and went to college without any direction. Shortly after my second year at University, my significant other of seven years ended up suddenly passing away. I had a hard time moving forward after that, and decided that joining the military could be a way for me to start over. So I left my small town to start training in the ARNG as a Combat Medic Specialist (68W). To this day, I believe that is the best decision I could have made. The military strengthened my self-discipline and taught me how to keep going, and I graduated from training feeling like I could do much more than I had previously envisioned for myself.
I was attached to a MP unit following AIT graduation, where I met someone who introduced me to dentistry. Once I started job shadowing I fell in love with the profession. I requested a transfer to the State Medical Detachment, where I was the only medic who also helped out the dental team. I was able to get further guidance and inspiration from the dentists who worked there, and I believe these experiences played a key role in me eventually getting accepted into dental school.
I wouldn’t be where I am without the military. Not just when it comes to location/career, but my overall mentality. I feel comfortable taking on leadership roles now, and self-assured that I will always put in the work. I am grateful for many reasons, but most of all for the help in becoming someone the younger version of me would be very proud of.

In the fall, I will be starting my third year of dental school. We are now seeing patients in the clinic frequently, and I am working on treatment planning more complex cases and developing my hand skills. I considered specializing when starting this program, but quickly decided that I instead want to do general dentistry and start working after graduation. I am currently leaning toward opening a practice in a rural or underserved area. Consequently, I want to focus on getting good in all aspects of dentistry, so that I can handle almost anything that comes through my door someday. The goal is to not have to send them to another dentist (who may be hours away) whenever possible. I also have a love of teaching – something I likely got from watching my mom teach elementary school over the years. Eventually I would love to teach at a dental school and build students up through these difficult and rewarding years.

I started a group in school that hopes to give dental education and dental care to women who are incarcerated in our area. We are moving forward, albeit slowly due to COVID-19 related issues and the fact that the prison is moving to a new remote location. I enjoy volunteering to go to elementary schools to give oral education to children, as well as perform screenings and do sealants. I am active in the Entrepreneurship and Business Club and the American Student Dental Association at the University of Utah School of Dentistry. When it comes to my personal life, I love weightlifting and reading many different genres of books. My dad recently had some health complications that limited his diet, so I also love trying to make healthy recipes that I can send or cook for him when I go home. I try to go on lots of hikes with my amazing husband (who I met in the military), and we are active members in our church and our community.

Current Transcripts

Hugh Jackson

(385) 414-5388

1092 E Ira Hodges Scenic Parkway
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
United States
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(801) 360-5824


Allen Jackson

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I need assistance in financing tuition at Southern Utah University. The tuition semester to semester comes out to around $3000 and any percentage of that would help immensely. I am currently paying my own way though college.

My father has been in the military since before I was born. This year marks his 32nd year in the army. Through his service he has shown me how to be dependable, resourceful, and honorable. He has given me an example of how the military can strengthen a man as well as his family. The military can provide stability as well as structure that can nurture and harden a man. Through my dad I have learned how to be tough and reliable as well as being able to think on my feet and solve unexpected problems. Much of who I am can be attributed back to the military. My family has military connections that date back even further. My grandfather and my great-grandfather both served in the Coast Guard through Vietnam and World War II respectively. From them I learned the importance of cooperation. This came from their shared experience of being part of communications on battleships. I am grateful for everything that I have learned from former and current servicemen and I hope that I can continue to learn from their example.


I intend to receive my bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Utah University. Using this I intent to continue into graduate school and ultimately achieve a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. With this qualification I intend to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of the technology that is used at hospitals as well as in general medical care. I would also have the option to teach others about as well as broaden the interest in Biomedical Engineering as a field.

I was a leader in youth group activities when I was a teen as well as serving as captain of both the baseball team and the basketball team for my high school. I played four years of both sports. I was a member of an orchestra for five years and was the first chair of the cello section. I also spent time learning piano and how to ride and care for horses growing up.

Current Transcripts

Maddox Lundell

(801) 367-9453

739 N 350 E
Genola, UT 84655
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(801) 367-8975


Jed Lundell

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I think I need a scholarship just like every other kid. The reasons why I need the scholarship is because the average tuition in Utah is around 7,000 dollars. With the prices of everything going up like they are I am going to need to get as much money as I can. I feel like I have a little bit money saved up but not enough to pay for college.

The military has influenced my life a lot. With my dad in the National Guard sometimes he has to go all over the country for trainings. While he is gone I feel like it is my responsibility to step up and help more. Also ever since I was a little kid I feel like I have been able to cope with things that did not go my way from of all the plans that we had to change to all the birthdays that were missed I have learned how to accept that things wont always go the way that you want them to.

I am going to go to Snow College for 2 years and get my Associates degree, then I will transfer to a different school and get my Bachelors degree in either Exercise Science or Athletic Training. After I graduate I want to work with either a college or a sports team and help the players stay healthy. My goal is to be able to work with a soccer team.

I played soccer for my school my Freshman and Sophomore year.
I have played club soccer since I was 6 years old, being captain for 4 of those years.
I ran cross country in my Freshman and Sophomore year.

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Brooklyn Evans

(801) 592-4012

2948 W 2125 S
Syracuse, UT 84075
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(801) 592-3849


Andrew Evans

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Pursuing higher education is very important to me, even knowing the cost and that I will have to get student loans to help. While I do have my G.I. Bill to assist, I will still owe over $15,000 by the time I finish my Master's. I am a First Responder (Conservation Officer) here in the great State of Utah, and unfortunately I do not make too much money. I will have to get student loans in order for me to continue my education. My husband, Sergeant First Class Andrew Evans, is an M-Day soldier and has served our country for over 17 years. He has started to take extra shifts at work to assist in paying for me to go to back to school. I am extremely appreciative of him and all of his support and work to encourage me to do this.

The Military has made an incredible impact in my life. I served 6 years in the Utah Army National Guard and the experiences, knowledge and growth that I experienced from my time in the military is something I am forever grateful for. During my time in the military I also met my husband, SFC Evans, which I am also very very grateful for. In 2018 I was selected to be a Door Gunner on a UH-60 Blackhawk, I deployed to Iraq, and experienced some of the most life changing and incredible experiences that have made a huge impact on my life. I have a greater respect for life, freedom, and the incredible country and people that protect us so that we can continue this way of life. The military will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I am thankful I get to continue to experiences, friendships, and support that comes from being a military family as my Husband continues to serve.

I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree in 2018, then deployed to Iraq with 2-211th a month after I graduated. I was fortunate enough to get hired as a Conservation Officer for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources upon my return home. I am now enrolled in a Master's Program at the University of Colorado Boulder where I will be pursuing my Master's in Organizational Leadership. Continuing my education will not only better me as a person, but it will provide me with new opportunities. My career goal is to be the first female Law Enforcement Chief for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

While in the Utah Army National Guard I served as a Sergeant, I was student leadership at numerous courses (AIT, BLC, etc.) After getting out of the military I went through the Police Academy where I was selected to be Class President. I love being in leadership positions as it allows me to be a voice of change, be a voice of reasoning, and most importantly- allows me to take care of others.

My extra-curricular activities including hunting, fishing, shooting, and assisting at numerous events to get our youth more involved in the outdoors and hunting.

Proof of Enrollement/Acceptance

Ashley Mayes

(334) 389-1048

4141 North Lake Mountain Rd
Eagle Mountain, Ut 84005
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(334) 390-1050


Kevin Mayes

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I am submitting for a scholarship to due my portion of my GI Bill ending this year. To offset the lose of that benefit I am applying for other forms of financial aid.

My dad has been service member my entire life. The Army has provided so many great opportunities for us to live abroad and make life long friends. It has also taught me the importance of being a resilient person through hardship and other life events.

My current educational goals are to earn my bachelors in education with a focus on special education. I want to become a special educator because I have struggles with a learning disability my entire academic career and I want to give back to the educational enterprise.

I have been a leader on the swim teams that I have been fortunate enough to to be a part of over the last ten years. My goal is always to as approachable as possible while still have high moral standards and expecting the same out of others. Thought my dad’s Army career he has taught me to be a servant leader first and foremost.

Current Transcripts

Andrew McGowan

(385) 207-3162

474 E 1800 S
Orem, UT 84058
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(385) 207-3162


Andrew McGowan

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Undergraduate 3.03

I've always dreamed of becoming an attorney and helping others. When I began my undergraduate degree I was driven by that goal and pushed for it. I put that dream aside, when my oldest son was born. He spent 7 days in the NICU and we were uninsured. As a result we incurred substantial medical debt and to support our family I used my language abilities to begin working in international business and regulation. My work was easy, my pay was enough for our needs and I was able to travel and meet many people and make many friends. When Covid came and I was working from home I realized that my work was too easy, and my motives in continuing in that field were not oriented around serving others, which is what I had dreamed of doing before.
I decided that I would seek to live my life for others and focus on ways in which I could serve. As a tentative start to that goal I enlisted in the Utah Army National Guard. Through my training I found that I thrived in difficult circumstances and that by seeking out others who need help or are struggling and helping them I was becoming a better version of myself.
I seek to continue to carry that with me going forward as I begin Law School. This will be a difficult journey, and leaving an easy, corporate job to pursue this dream has been hard for our family. We are going from a stable life to having to incur a great deal of debt to fund my education. Receiving this scholarship would help to allay some of that burden.

I had initially considered joining the military for the tangible benefits including education and healthcare. However, my why was my two sons, Everett and Lachlan. I wanted to do more with my life than just live it for me; because the world I desire for them needs more selflessness. I was asked once by a Drill Sergeant my reason for leaving behind an easy, undemanding corporate job to endure punishment and testing both physically and mentally. As I contemplated the answer to that question, the answer I arrived at was that I was there to set an example of selfless service for my sons. That answer became my solid why. That why and the picture of my family I kept tucked in a zip lock bag in my patrol cap helped me to accomplish something I wasn’t sure I could.

Each time I was faced with a difficult challenge or saw a teammate struggling, my why came into my mind. This thought motivated me to stand up and act when faced with bullying, harassment, discrimination of a teammate, freezing rain or the need to carry the weight of an injured comrade. My why helped me to smile and laugh through the hardships.

I now have pride and a continued legacy of military service to carry from my own grandfather, mother, father, and brother to pass on to my sons. The sacrifices my wife and sons made and continue to make for me push me to continue in selfless service. It's also inspired me to do more and make more of myself than what I was content to do before.

With a Juris Doctorate Degree and an understanding of the law I plan to serve my community. I believe that in order to realize a better world for my sons there are a few things that are needed. The first thing is an increase in the amount of selfless service that we provide to one another, and to that end I joined the National Guard to continue an example of selfless service that I hope my sons will one day take from their great grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, uncle and father and carry forward into the next generation. I also believe that our society needs more people who strive to do hard things, not just for financial gain, but because they are right. I hope during my time in my JD program to discover new ways I can help and to serve others.
No matter what path my professional career takes we've decided already that no matter where we end up I will continue in my army service as well. My hope is to become a member of the Army's Judge Advocate Group in a reserve or guard component and provide service and legal advice to my fellow soldiers.

January 2022-June 2022

While attending Advanced Individual Training at the US Army quartermaster school in Fort Lee Virginia I served as the Platoon Leader for 45 of my fellow Soldiers. For display of professionalism, attention to detail and high degree of technical skills I was awarded the title of Honor Graduate, with a 97.7% grade point average.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Proselytizing Missionary
August 2010-August 2012
• Devoted 2 years of full-time service discussing religious principles and offering service to individuals and families in the Metro Manila, Cavite, and Puerto Princesa areas in the Philippines.
• Tapped as a zone leader to oversee and assist groups of missionaries ranging in size from 20 to 40 individuals.
• Trained and mentored volunteers from from Kiribati, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, and Indonesia in communication skills and Tagalog language principles.

We Decide PAC: Executive Director
Winter 2015
• Acted as director of communications for a first of its kind referendum initiative in Utah county.
• Recruited, trained, and assisted with voter registration of petition circulators. Ensured all language was of a compliant nature to mitigate risk and ensure anti-SLAPP legal protections for the campaign.
• Oversaw the gathering of over 17,000 signatures from registered voters in Utah County.

Proof of Enrollement/Acceptance