Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Utah

President Vision 2022-2024



Vision and Goals

Executive Council, Chairpersons, and Members of EANGUT,

I am excited to serve you and serve with you. The organization has seen remarkable growth and involvement over the last few years, and I look forward to continuing that growth. I am excited about our members’ interest and motivation to become involved. Please be involved and reach out to those around you to help them. This organization is about its members, and member involvement guides us forward. 

As we move forward, I ask each of you to become aware; of those around you, the problems we face, what the organization is doing and what it can do, and the good around us. Then use this insight to help serve our members and organization. Please focus on a few items for the executive council and chairpersons as you conduct the organization’s business. Please focus on being effective and efficient. Please look for ways to include all our members and those we represent; our members’ involvement strengthens us. Please focus more on communication with our members, specifically the junior enlisted; look for new ways to reach out to, and communicate with them. Explain to them what initiatives the organization is working on and inquire about their needs and the issues they face — so we can continue to fight on their behalf. 

Our priorities have not changed, and while they will not change, what we focus on may shift slightly:


Membership is, always has been, and always will be our number one priority.
Without our members, we have no reason to serve or exist as an organization. Our membership is not about making money with dues paid. It is about influencing change because our membership numbers demand it. New members are always an essential piece of our organization. The newer Airmen and Soldiers are the future of our organization, and we need them to help pave the way for the future. Our stability and foundation are our retirees. We lose sight of why this organization was founded and built without retirees. We risk repeating history without learning from it if we do not poll and listen to those that have come before us. Not only are new enlistees a great resource and opportunity to learn, we need to reach out to those that have retired and bring them back into our mix for not only camaraderie but for their knowledge and experience. Bridging this distance from new enlistee to retired member will make us stronger and wiser.

 Membership Goals – increase our membership to over 2,000 in 2023 and over 2,500 in 2024. Includes all memberships: lifetime, annual, and associate. 

Scholarships and Professional Development
We strive to give back to our members to create a better future for them. Educating our future leaders and their families will help us, as an organization, reap benefits long after we can no longer serve. Each member and the potential member should be aware of the benefits available to assist them or their family in continuing their civilian education. In addition, we must strive to provide our members with opportunities for professional education via civilian or military channels, including opportunities to attend professional talks, podcasts, and schools that promote the education and professionalism of our service.

 Scholarship/Professional Development Goals – Utilize social media and other publications to increase viewer usage and knowledge of scholarships and professional development opportunities. Seek opportunities to form partnerships with corporate America to increase our scholarship numbers and amounts. 

Legislative Efforts
Legislative efforts are ongoing locally and nationally. Our country and organization were built by ordinary citizens and grass root initiatives. Allowing members to change legislation that impacts our careers and retirement benefits. Changes are presented through a resolution process to update either local or federal law for our members’ benefits. To do this, our committees are key. Our committees need to be in touch with our members to understand what is happening and what is desired. I challenge each committee to understand your charge and work with our membership to influence the changes needed to grow and lead our organization toward what our members need currently and in the future.  

Legislative Goals – Fill each committee and identify needs for new committees. Expand our junior enlisted membership through the efforts of the Junior Enlisted Committee. Chairpersons and committees will solicit participation from all enlisted members and at least one executive council member by publishing meeting agendas well in advance. Meetings allow any member to participate via telephone or in person if the situation warrants an in-person meeting.  We plan to find a new platform for more accessible communication as a council and with our members.

By focusing our efforts on these three areas, we will be able to continue the hard work of our previous leadership. I encourage everyone to look for new ways to help and engage our members while still following our constitution and by-laws approved by our membership. I want all members to know this organization is where Every member’s voice will be heard; they can participate and make a difference for themselves and all enlisted members of the National Guard.

I look forward to serving with each of you as your President.  



Zac Beveridge 

Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Utah President