AUSA Membership

AUSA Membership

Did you know? As a member of EANGUS, you are automatically a member of AUSA, the Association of the U.S. Army. In essence, when you become an EANGUS member, you become a member of your State...

Policy Riders

Policy Riders

When Congress puts together legislation, especially appropriations (money) bills, they tend to attach policy riders to those bills. Bills without policy riders are considered to be "clean"...

Policy Riders

When Congress puts together legislation, especially appropriations (money) bills, they tend to attach policy riders to those bills. Bills without policy riders are considered to be "clean"...

Policy Riders

Policy Riders

When Congress puts together legislation, especially appropriations (money) bills, they tend to attach policy riders to those bills. Bills without policy riders are considered to be "clean"...

2024 Pay Raises

2024 Pay Raises

Active duty and drilling Guard and Reserve members' pay will increase 5.2% over 2023 rates. It will be the largest increase in pay in two decades. DFAS is due to issue the official pay tables in...