Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Utah (EANGUT)


Serving Utah National Guard Enlisted Members

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Representing the interests of men and women in the Utah National Guard.

Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the State of Utah

Mission Statement:

The mission of EANGUT is to improve the welfare, benefits, and overall conditions of the enlisted Soldiers and Airmen of Utah by providing a collective voice to our State and National legislators and supporting the mission and efforts of EANGUS.

The Army ingrained in me a dedication to public service and a lifelong interest in helping veterans,” said SGT Murphy. “I believe in Congress and in the ability of our country to make a lasting impact in the lives of those in uniform, veterans, and the entire country.

Click for full SGT Murphys’s full story

SGT Devon Murphy

Judge Advocate General NCO, Utah Army National Guard


Information on this event is in the works.

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News & Legislation

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Utah National Guard Headquarters
12953 South Minuteman Dr.
Draper UT. 84020