EANGUT Member Resolutions



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Resolution 21-001: Utah State Park Pass

to test this Complimentary access to Utah Guardsmen and Women to State Parks

to create a way for members to make suggestions for legislation


jen butler



The Federal Government issues an annual National Parks pass to servicemen and
women of all branches in recognition of the service member’s dedication to our nation.
Along with currently serving Service Members, this offer is further extended to retired
members of the armed forces and those Service Members identified as veterans.
EANGUT is requesting consideration for the State of Utah in this same or similar regard
pertaining to State Parks and recreation areas. Currently, all but 6 states within the
nation offer some form of free or discounted

Resolution Committee recommends this resolution for consideration during the 2022
State Legislative session.

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January 12, 2022

January 12, 2022

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