EANGUT Executive Council

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Executive Council Members

Zachary Walton

Zachary Walton


I entered the Army in January 1996 as a Field Artilleryman while in high school. Later as a
Russian Linguist I moved over to the Military Intelligence for a long and fruitful career. I have deployed several times, with two combat deployments. I have loved serving as an enlisted soldier in the Army. I have been an annual member of EANGUT off and on throughout my career and became a lifetime member in 2016. I have found membership in this organization to be a benefit to understanding the value the enlisted service members bring to the service of the nation. I have served in this organization on the membership committee, as a member-at-large, and now as the president.
While in this position, I hope to make connections between the younger enlisted soldiers and airmen with those that are seasoned and retired. Understanding the challenges, needs and concerns of the enlisted force is only half of the fight. Enabling change is an effort that requires
many heads and hands that dedicate personal time and effort to making the force better. I’m glad to be a part of this organization.
John Stroh

John Stroh

Vice President, Air Guard

Currently in the Air Force, Technician

Membership affiliation: I have been a proud member of EANGUT since 2012, initially as an annual member and then transitioning to a lifetime member in 2015.

Beyond my military service, I have a diverse range of hobbies that add balance to my life. These include engaging in regular exercise, honing my skills in video filming and editing, indulging in the art of wine making, immersing myself in reading, and enjoying the camaraderie of bowling.

Recognizing the value of professional organizations, I joined EANGUT with the belief that being part of such an esteemed group would bring numerous benefits and opportunities. As I delved deeper into understanding the missions of EANGUS and EANGUT, specifically their relentless advocacy for National Guard members’ benefits, it became clear that supporting and contributing to this organization was both necessary and worthwhile.

Motivated by the knowledge gained through attending conferences and annual meetings, I felt compelled to offer my time and skills to further bolster the cause. It is my firm belief that actively participating in the growth and success of EANGUT will not only enhance my own professional development but also contribute to the greater good of the National Guard community within the Great State of Utah, and at a National Level.


Jessica Ferre

Jessica Ferre

Vice President, Army

Daniel Lemley

Daniel Lemley

Army At Large Representative

Currently in the Army, AGR.

Membership affiliation: Lifetime member 

Hobbies: Spending time with my family, shooting, camping, hiking, snowboarding, reading.

I joined EANGUT because I wanted to do something to take care of National Guard Soldiers long after I’m gone. Belonging to professional organizations such as EANGUT allows each member to have their voice heard. It is also one of the few venues where anyone, regardless of rank, can have a direct impact on improving the organization.

Gregory Annis

Gregory Annis

Army At Large Representative

I grew up in Magna, Utah and enlisted in the Utah National Guard on August 22 nd , 2002, out of high school as a 13F1O, Fire Support Specialist. I am a veteran of OEF and have served in several positions in the Utah National Guard. I currently serve as a First Sergeant. I’ve been a lifetime member of EANGUT since 2017, but this is my first time serving in a position for the organization. I am grateful to the organization and our members for having given me this opportunity. The great work EANGUT does in forming enduring partnerships with our community and looking out for our Guard family is something I’m humbled to be a part of. I love spending time with my family any chance I get, and I enjoy getting outdoors whenever I can. I am married to my wonderful wife Tammy, and we reside in West Jordan with our two awesome kids.
Thomas Wells

Thomas Wells

Army At Large Representative

Rachel Williams

Rachel Williams

Air At Large Representative



Brett Parke

Brett Parke


Ken Peiffer

Ken Peiffer


Currently in the Army, AGR

Membership affiliation: Lifetime Member since 1 September 2020.

Hobbies: Hiking, photography, bike riding, snowboarding, playing any sport, and being with my family.

I first joined EANGUT because I wanted to be part of an organization that supports the Utah National Guard and can action initiatives that improves Service Member’s benefits.

Matthew L. Hooper

Matthew L. Hooper

Executive Director

Retired Air

President 2018-2020

Vice President Air 2016-2018

Lifetime Member since March 2011

Retired Command Chief, Currently a Field Services Representative for National Guard Life Insurance Programs, Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership.

Hobbies: I am married and have three beautiful girls.  I enjoy spending my time off with my family at our cabin.  I love to hunt, shoot guns, golf, and ride ATVs.

As a member of the Profession of Arms, I believe it is an obligation to be part of a professional association.  Over the years EANGUS/EANGUT has done many things for the National Guard.  A lot of things are taken for granted today.  EANGUS/EANGUT is our voice on the Hill and the only association that works strictly on behalf of the National Guard.

Zach Beveridge

Zach Beveridge

Immediate Past President

Currently, in the Army, AGR

Membership affiliation: Lifetime member since December 2017.

Hobbies: Outdoor activities like camping, paddle boarding, boating, off-roading, soccer, and skiing/snowboarding. I also like books and podcasts.

I first joined EANGUT because I wanted to support and participate in an organization that helps enlisted members.

Board Member Job Descriptions

The President of the ASSOCIATION shall: Be the chief executive officer thereof. Preside at all meetings of the ASSOCIATION, but shall not be entitled to vote upon matters lawfully before such board except in case of tie, then they shall cast the deciding vote. Preside over all conferences, conventions, schools and other meetings of the ASSOCIATION. Supervise the activities of all elected and appointed officers. Appoint the chairmen of all Standing Committees and direct their activities, and may appoint such Special Committees as they may deem advisable and prescribe their duties, provided that no Special Committee shall be appointed to discharge the duties of any standing Committee. Holds the power to replace any Committee member who is unable to discharge the duties of their office. Ensure the Executive Council and Committees operate within the approved budget. Serve as an ex-officio member of each Committee. Provide assistance to all Officers and Committees of the ASSOCIATION as may be required in the scope of their duties. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters. Render an annual report to the ASSOCIATION. Issue a call for a State Conference and, when directed to do so by the Executive Council, issue the call for a Special Conference of EANGUT and make the necessary arrangements for such conferences. The President may sign deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Executive Council has authorized, except in the case where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Executive Council or by these Bylaws to some other officer or agent of EANGUT, or shall by law to be otherwise signed or executed. Appoint Special staff officers (i.e., Chaplain, Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-1 arms) incidental to the conduct of State Conferences and Special Conferences.
The Vice President of the ASSOCIATION shall but will not be limited to: In the event the President of the ASSOCIATION is unable to discharge the duties of their office, the Vice President assuming office of the President is the Vice President of the same branch (Army/Air) followed by 1 the Vice President of the opposite service, if required. Constitute an Advisory Committee for the President. Bear the rights and authority of the President in their absence, and shall attend the meetings of the Executive Council and vote on all issues of EANGUT. Perform such functions and assignments as directed by the President. Give assistance to all Officers and Committees of the ASSOCIATION as may be required in the scope of their duties. Assist the President and the Publications Committee in the official publication of the ASSOCIATION. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters.
The Vice President of the ASSOCIATION shall but will not be limited to: In the event the President of the ASSOCIATION is unable to discharge the duties of their office, the Vice President assuming office of the President is the Vice President of the same branch (Army/Air) followed by 1 the Vice President of the opposite service, if required. Constitute an Advisory Committee for the President. Bear the rights and authority of the President in their absence, and shall attend the meetings of the Executive Council and vote on all issues of EANGUT. Perform such functions and assignments as directed by the President. Give assistance to all Officers and Committees of the ASSOCIATION as may be required in the scope of their duties. Assist the President and the Publications Committee in the official publication of the ASSOCIATION. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters.
The Immediate Past President shall, but will not be limited to: Serve on an Advisory Committee for the President. Perform functions and assignments as directed by the President. Give assistance to all Officers and Committees of the ASSOCIATION as required in the scope of their duties. Assist the President and the Publications Committee in the publication of the ASSOCIATION. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters.
The Secretary of the ASSOCIATION shall, but not limited to: Be the official correspondent of the ASSOCIATION and issue all communications directed by President. Take and keep minutes of all meetings of the Board, convention, meetings, schools and conferences held or conducted by the ASSOCIATION. Certify the presence of a quorum and include attendance information in meeting notes. Keep a separate file in their office wherein they shall, at all times, have a copy of the EANGUT Constitution, a copy of each By-Law enacted by the ASSOCIATION, and a copy of all the rules and regulations adopted by the ASSOCIATION as herein provided. Keep current rosters of all Committees of the ASSOCIATION showing the names and contact information of its members. Give such assistance to all Officers and Committees of the ASSOCIATION as required in the scope of their duties. Assist the President and the Publications Committee in the publication of the ASSOCIATION. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters.
The Treasurer of the ASSOCIATION shall, but not limited to: Be the official custodian of all funds and assets of the ASSOCIATION, including all books, records, materials, and equipment and shall at all times keep an up-to-date record of such materials and the places where each listed item thereon is located. Receive all monies due to the ASSOCIATION and keep an account between the ASSOCIATION and its members. Present the books of the ASSOCIATION at any reasonable time for inspections by the President or the Executive Council and shall from time to time, as may be required, supply the President or Executive Council with a statement of the financial affairs of the ASSOCIATION. Upon direction of the President, prepare the books for the annual audit as provided in the Bylaws and render such assistance to auditors duly appointed by the President. Transition all property of the ASSOCIATION, including all books, records, materials and equipment to their successor in office. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep 1 the membership informed as to EANGUT matters. EANGUT Treasuer: Joe Guimond, eangutmembers@gmail.com
Members-At-Large of the ASSOCIATION shall, but not limited to: Provide liaison between EANGUT and the service members they represent. Serve as the membership chair specific to their branch of service. Brief and assist all MACOM Representatives. Attend all Council meetings and submit a report regarding the status of their branch of service and/or area of responsibility, or when unable to attend will send a representative or submit a written report. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters. EANGUT Army-At-Large Representatives: Jolene Howell, eangutmembers@mail.com, Austin Morse, eangutmembers@mail.com, and Mike Stebbins, eangutmembers@mail.com
Members-At-Large of the ASSOCIATION shall, but not limited to: Provide liaison between EANGUT and the service members they represent. Serve as the membership chair specific to their branch of service. Brief and assist all MACOM Representatives. Attend all Council meetings and submit a report regarding the status of their branch of service and/or area of responsibility, or when unable to attend will send a representative or submit a written report. Promote membership in EANGUT and do whatever is necessary to keep the membership informed as to EANGUT matters. EANGUT Air-At-Large Representative: Tyson Mayfield, eangutmembers@gmail.com
Duties and Responsibilities a. Act as an aide and advisor to the President. b. Be an official representative of the ASSOCIATION in dealing with other organizations and/or businesses. c. Perform other duties as are performed by the Executive Director of an organization and as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the President of the ASSOCIATION.

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