
Committee Chairmen

Chairmen conduct and host their own meetings to organize, develop, and recommend ideas, projects and methods of conducting business to the executive council. While the Committees don’t have a final vote during the executive council meetings, they are critical in developing business practices, researching information, and modifying the final recommendations presented to the executive council. If any of these topic areas interest you and you are willing to assist, contact the designated chairman to gain further information.

Membership Committee: Mike Farr

Legislative Committee: 

AGR Committee: 

Technician Committee: 

Conference Committee: 

Bylaws Committee: 

Resolutions Committee: 

Finance Committee:  Joe Spencer

Insurance Committee:

Scholarship Committee: Joe Spencer

Ways and Means Committee: 

Publications Committee: 

Retiree Committee: Sharon Roberts

Junior Enlisted Committee: 

Special Projects Committee: 



Chair: Mike Graham AGR Issues The AGR Issues Committee shall monitor and report those issues directly affecting the AGR Workforce.
Chair: Todd Perry 1. The Conference Committee will coordinate the planning and scheduling of the annual enlisted association conference by reserving meeting space and catering of meals, contacting vendors for contributions and booth requirements, solicit hotels, eateries, etc., for 1 prize donations, assembling and mailing registration packets, assisting with vendor and conference room set up, and coordinating all events and socials. 2. The Conference Committee Chair will inform the membership of information pertaining to the National Conference. This information will include as a minimum: Time and place, transportation issues, lodging issues, registration issues, and any other information deemed necessary or pertinent.
Chair: Todd Perry Constitution and By-Laws The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall review and update the constitution and by-laws of the local organization and make proposed changes as deemed necessary. Said changes shall be incorporated into the documents and reviewed by the Executive Council and put forth to a vote of the membership at the next Annual Conference. Proposed changes will be made available in print and on the Enlisted Association website at least 30 days prior to the annual conference.
Chair: Joe Spencer Committee Members: Jennifer Butler, Scott Evans, Shawn Daley & Wayne Ormond Finance The Finance Committee shall audit the accounts of the EANGUT once a year at a minimum, at least 30 days prior to the EANGUT annual conference and provide a report at said conference. The Committee shall draft an annual budget for the following calendar year by NLT 30 October for approval by majority vote of the Executive Council. The treasurer shall submit applicable documentation to a certified public accountant annually for tax preparation and further audit. Results of this audit shall be presented to the Executive Council for approval.
Chair: Joe Spencer Insurance The Insurance Committee shall monitor any revenues generated by insurance Policies and make recommendations to the Executive Council as to the disbursement of any revenues
The Junior Enlisted Committee shall represent the ranks of E-5 and below. The Committee’s purpose shall be to review policies and make proposals that affect the rank’s represented.
Chair: Shana Hutchins Publications The Publications Committee Chair will select a member of the ASSOCIATION to maintain the EANGUT Website. The Publications Committee will select a member of the ASSOCIATION to publish the EANGUT Express newsletter at least Semi-annually.
Chair: Anthony Hutchins Resolution The Resolution Committee shall review and consolidate all proposals for resolutions submitted by areas. The Committee shall notify the Executive Council as to the content of the proposals. The Resolution Committee shall prepare the proposals for vote at the Annual Confe
Co-chairmen Rick Bonzo and Sharon Roberts
Chair: Jenny Butler Special Projects The Special Projects Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Council when deemed appropriate and necessary. Special projects include: Legislative, Scholarship
Chair: Krystal Dowker Technician Issues The Technician Issues Committee shall monitor and report those issues directly affecting the Technician Workforce. They shall also communicate regularly with the Technician Local Union. At least one member of the Committee shall be on the Union Executive Council.
Chair: Michael Graham Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee shall propose and conduct fund raising events.