Earlier this month we announced our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with...
National Guard Advisory: AD-19-21 Iranian Hackers Target US Military Personnel The above link is to an advisory from the National Guard Bureau, sharing information about a job seeking website that...
Suicide among the Veteran community has always been higher than among our civilian counterparts. We have been subjected to hours and hours of powerpoint presentations telling us about our risk...
A few months ago Gabby and Mike told us how important the G.I. Bill was to their family. Mike described how he didn’t come from a family with money and that without the ability to transfer the G.I....
Earlier this month we announced our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with...
Today, we are excited to announce that we have been invited to come before Congress and offer testimony to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs (HVAC). We are honored to have this opportunity to...
Over the recent years the government has been seeking repayment on $1 billion in student loans from more than 40,000 Troops who are eligible to have had those debts forgiven. Through a program...
We’re excited to announce our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with politics at...
On our latest EANGUS Podcast episode, Frank Yoakum, Executive Director and Scott Bousum, Legislative Director discussed the 2019 EANGUS National Conference highlights. Frank and Scott covered newly...
Legislative Director Daniel Elkins highlights the EANGUS National Conference, gives a legislative update regarding Student Veterans, and shares an exciting new EANGUS partnership. EANGUS is proud...
August 13, 2019 Press Release The bill would require the Comptroller General to conduct a three-year study of disability and pension benefits provided to the veterans that conducted special...
The Pentagon's Defense Suicide Prevention Office released some troubling statistics recently in their fourth-quarter suicide report for CY 2018. A total of 325 active-duty service members died by...
Original Article published by NGAUS on July 23, 2019 The Senate today confirmed former Army Secretary Mark Esper to be the next secretary of defense. He is the first non-acting defense secretary...
Spring 2019 Edition Features President's Communique Junior Enlisted Corner Washington Watch 48TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE FEATURED STORY: ARMY COMBAT FITNESS TEST Top 10 Tips to Beat the Heat OP ED: It...
At our National Office, we are working almost daily with TRICARE about current and future needs for you, our members. We’d love to hear from you. Do you have any issues with TRICARE? Do you want...
Overview The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family...