At 2:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday, March 8, Scott Bousum of the EANGUS National Office will testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee's Personnel Subcommittee. The subcommittee members will hear...
The National Guard continues to be the target of doing more with less. While there is an effort to remove the Apaches from the National Guard, something that is adamantly opposed by the National...
The Pentagon’s FY2017 budget request once again proposes higher enrollment fees and copayments for working age military retirees and those aged 65 and older. Defense officials say the higher...
Thursday, February 18, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: CMSgt (Ret) John Harris, EANGUS President Contact Info: EANGUS welcomes SGM (Ret) Frank Yoakum as its...
The EANGUS Guardian Scholarship provided by Kaplan University Kaplan University is pleased to be working with EANGUS to help National Guard Members and their families reach their education and...
TO: EANGUS Executive Council, State Presidents, State & Area Publication Chairs. FROM: Andrew Strauss, EANGUS Publication Committee Chair. 1. Annual Call for 2016 entries for EANGUS Publication...
Are changes to TRICARE coming? The EANGUS National Office anticipates that the Senate and House Armed Services Committees will consider making changes to TRICARE in 2016. EANGUS, in conjunction with...
Soldiers, Airmen, and State Associations, We increased the number of surveys again last month and are close to 3,000. Please push this link out to your Association membership. The last day to take...
WASHINGTON (Jan 28, 2015) - The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States has received the Final Report from the National Commission on the Future of the Army and is reviewing...
Converting Title 32 Technicians to Title 5 Civilian Employees [Updated & Corrected] A controversial provision included in the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act is causing some angst in the...
EANGUS Future Phoenix Scholarship has launched! Timeline: Open: January 26, 2016 Deadline: March 8, 2016 Award Date: May 2, 2016 For questions about the scholarship and/or the University, please...
Soldiers and Airmen, We increased the number of surveys since last week. Please push this link out to your Association membership. The last day to take the survey is 04 MAR 2016. Here is the link...
EANGUS strongly supports HR 4381- Servicemember Retirement Improvement Act introduced by Representative Sam Johnson (R-TX). This bill would stop the IRS from stifling Guard or Reserve service...
EANGUS staff meets with Representative Wittman (R-VA) On Thursday, January 7, met Representative Rob Wittman (R-TX) at the Fleet Reserve Association’s National Office. Representative Wittman is a...
Soldiers and Airmen, Looking for your quick help on our 2016 National Guard Survey being conducted by your fellow National Guardsmen and women. This survey has run annually and the...
“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.” Statistically, we will see...