On Thursday, October 13th, EANGUS Executive Director Frank Yoakum and Legislative Director Scott Bousum, together with members of The Military Coalition, attended a meeting with Clinton for America...
Dylan Raymond - Military Recruitment Lead is in search for 3 student veteran candidates interested in the Houston, TX area, with logistics experience obtaining their Bachelors degree fall...
at Capitol Skyline Hotel 10 I Street SW Washington, DC 20024 Agenda: Sunday, 5 Feb – Travel day/Super Bowl Party Ice Breaker Monday, 6 Feb – Legislative Workshop/Evening Social Tuesday, 7 Feb –...
EANGUS Drill Weekend Talking Points: October 2016 Continuing Resolution In typical fashion, members punted until the final hours and created some unnecessary drama. However, the Continuing...
CONTINUING RESOLUTION Since returning from August Recess, there were several issues delaying a final agreement: Funding Planned Parenthood clinics in Puerto Rico as part the fight against Zika...
Follow this LINK for YOUR chance to win one of 15 -- $500.00 Sportsman's Warehouse gift cards that can be used in a store or online. All proceeds will be used to support the 2017 EANGUS National...
The Department of Education will be holding informational webinars regarding the ITT closure and the way forward. Effective Sep 6, 2016, ITT Technical Institute has discontinued operations at ALL...
GET THE EANGUS APP. This will provide you with the latest information as things change. The EANGUS Conference is not being cancelled, and due to an outpouring of support from the State...
At long last, the EANGUS App has arrived. It is ready to support our attendees at the 45th Annual Conference and our membership all year long. If you see something that you would like to have...
New Patriot DIGITAL EDITION The Summer 2016 Edition is available online. FEATURES: Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (G-RAP) Mr. Doug O'Connell & Executive Director Frank Yoakum TRICARE...
Buses will be available from the airport, POV parking, Jr Enlisted Night, Welcome Night, and All Area Night at no cost. The transportation schedule will be posted as soon as it is developed. Check...
EANGUS Platinum Parnter American InterContinental University is pleased to partner with The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) to offer one full tuition...
EANGUS Guardian Scholarship Program at Kaplan University 3 full scholarships and up to 25 partial scholarships will be awarded to EANGUS/Auxiliary or their family members. Application deadline is...
Talking Points for June Drill The National Office hopes that all of you enjoyed a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We have been hard at work influencing the House and Senate during their...
Can you spare 15 seconds for a National Guard Soldier? It is apparent that the only way to stop the harassment of National Guard Soldiers over GRAP is through the political arena, where it began....
Problems related to the Army National Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (G-RAP) resulted in the largest criminal investigation in the US Army to date. However, the results of the investigation do...